Hi there, just thought I’d let you know we received the maxi vac yesterday and have spent all this morning vacuuming our paddocks! Wow, why didn’t we get one of these years ago? How easy. My husband vacuumed while I drove. It was almost a family affair with our son telling daddy where he missed the poo. So a great way to get the family together on a beautiful Saturday morning. The only thing is because I have such a bad back and can no longer rake manure, our paddocks are way over due so it’s going to take us a while to get through them all. But having a boutique equestrian centre where I teach, train and sell horses on behalf of clients, I always have people walking around the property. So it’s really important to have it spick and span. And now it will be. And the best thing is my husband being the perfectionist, is really fussy with equipment like this so he had to do his usual of going over it with a fine tooth comb looking for imperfections, and I tell you he is very impressed. He even commented on the black plastic caps on the end of the rods having Greystone marked on them. He said not even his business does that! So a big thumbs up. It had every horse on the property staring at us wondering what we were doing but hard work…. no more. Sorry to go on, but we think it’s great and thought you should know. Thanks again for all your help